• پنجشنبه, 06 فوريه 2025
  • Fa
President of the Academy



President of the Academy: Bahman Namvar Motlagh


Date and place of birth: Tehran, 1962


President of the Academy of Arts of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Permanent member and member of the specialized group of traditional arts and crafts



-Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Blaise -Pascal in Clermont-France.


Executive Records:

-Secretary of the Academy of Arts of the Islamic Republic of Iran from 2001 to 2009;

- Vice-Chancellor for Research of the Academy of Arts from 2003 to 2009;

- Research Deputy of the Artist's House from 2012 to 2015;

- Deputy Minister of Traditional Arts and Handicrafts of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of the country from 2015 to 2017;

-Vice President for Research and Head of Culture Department of the National Commission for UNESCO from 2017 to 2018;

-Chairman of the Working Group of Art Theorizing Chairs in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution since 2018;

-Head of Iranian Islamic University, Professor Farshchian, since 2018.



University Teaching (Master and Doctorate):

- Teaching at Tabriz University of Islamic Arts since 2004;

- Teaching in the Faculty of Arts of Al-Zahra University since 2006;

- Teaching at Shahid Beheshti University since 2007;

- Teaching at the Art Campus of the University of Tehran since 2011;

- Teaching at Isfahan University of Arts from 2003 to 2011;

- Teaching at Tehran University of Arts intermittently;

- Teaching Ph.D. in Art Research at Kish Campus;

- Teaching Art Research Department in the Ph.D. course at Azad University, Research Sciences Branch.


Compilation of books in Persian and French:

- An introduction to the intertextuality of Sokhan Publications;

- An introduction to the mythology of Sokhan Publications;

- Intertextuality from structuralism to poststructuralism of speech publications

- Safar Negareh, Sokhan Publications;

 - Myth - Isfahan: Publications;

- Illustrated culture of visual symbols (with Manijeh Kangrani) Nazar Shahr;

- Developmental Criticism in Literature and Art with Dr. Asadollahi, Scientific-Cultural Publications;

- Mythology with Noor Thorpe Fry (with Neda Seifi), Mugham Publications;

- Mythology with Max Müller (with Behrouz Awadpour), Mugham Publications;

- Va Aknoun Dar Rahim (with Behrouz Awadpour), Iranian Book Publishing;

- Semiotics of sacred defense films (by effort), scientific-cultural publications;

- Comparative knowledge (by effort), Sokhan Publications;

- Taq Bostan, (by effort) Sokhan Publications;

-Discourse in literature and art (by effort) Sokhan Publications;

- The myth of the identity-making text, the presence of Shahnameh in Iranian literature and culture (with effort), scientific-cultural publications;

- The myth of the intercultural text, the presence of Shahnameh in the literature of other countries, (with effort), scientific-cultural publications;

- The Mythology of Love in Iranian Culture, Sokhan Publications.



- Selected foreign dissertation in 2000, appreciation by the presidency;

- Sample researcher in 2002, by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology;

- A book worthy of appreciation for an introduction to the mythology of 2015, by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance;

-Nominated for the book of the year of travel, 1394, by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.



Art activities:

- Photography exhibition entitled Palkaneh, Cultural Center, February 2009;

- Sina Cultural Center Group Photography Exhibition 2010;

- Individual photography exhibition entitled Water Mirror, Artists House, 2013;

- Individual photography exhibition entitled Nature, Artists House, 2016


Scientific-Executive Responsibilities:

- Secretary-General of Tabriz Art School Conference (Academy of Arts)

- Secretary-General of Isfahan Art School Conference (Academy of Arts)

- Secretary-General of Shiraz Art-Philosophy Books Conference (Academy of Arts)

- Secretary-General of the Conference on Comparative Literature (Shahid Beheshti University)





About Academy of Arts