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News > Conference "Art and Object; The Semiotic Approach "was held at the Academy of Arts

Conference "Art and Object; The Semiotic Approach "was held at the Academy of Arts
Conference "Art and Object; The Semiotic Approach "was held at the Academy of Arts

The conference "Art and Object; The semiotic approach ended at the Academy of Arts with 15 scientific papers.
According to the public relations of the Academy of Arts, the conference "Art and Objects; Semiotic Approach ", in collaboration with the Art Research Institute of the Academy of Arts, Tehran University of Arts, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Scientific Association of Art and Comparative Literature of Iran, Scientific Association of Iranian Literary Criticism, and Scientific Association of Iranian Art Research, Wednesday, March 10, 2022, at the Academy of Arts , was held in person and online.

Publish Date: 12/03/2022 - 10:05 | print


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