Academy of Arts of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Academy of Arts of The Islamic Republic of Iran was established in accordance with the decree of Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution based on Article 24 , Law of Aims and Duties , the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution (No.3603,Nov.23,1997).
The Academy of Arts in dependent legal entity ,affiliated to The Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The purpose of its establishment is to preserve national and Islamic cultural and artistic heritage to propose policies , strategies, latest findings and innovations, and also to promote the Islamic culture in order to face the threats of invading cultures.
The tasks of Academy of Arts of the Islamic Republic of Iran are defined as follows:
1. Giving advice for policy- making to preserve and develop the Islamic, national and local arts.
2. Cooperation with seminaries and religious research centers (Howze Elmiyeh) and religious eminent figures (Ulama) in recognizing and defining the jurisprudential principles of arts.
3. Study and making use of new art theories ,with reliance and emphasis on Islamic and national fundamentals.
4. Supporting and encouraging eminent researchers, and tracing researches and proposals in the field of art at the national scale.
5. Giving advice for policy-making in the relationship between local and overseas art societies and associations.
6. Giving advice to adopt policies to develop art criticism and aesthetic issues.
7. Giving advice to define art development indices.
8. Assessing the art indices in the country ,annually.
9. Holding annual seminars, conferences, meetings, congresses and sessions in various fields of arts.
10. Surveying the shortcomings of the State's educational system in the field of arts and giving advise to the relevant authorities.
11. Studies on relationship among the interdisciplinary art courses and those correspondent to the art field.
12. Suggesting new university courses,(interdisciplinary ), to relevant authorities.
13. Introducing qualified artists and researchers to the relevant organizations to enjoy the scholarships and grants.
14. Supporting the writings and translating notable sources on art.
15. Forming specialized departments inside the Academy.
16. Proposing guidelines for awarding art medals, badges, etc. to relevent organizations.
17. Presenting awards and prizes in the field of research, translation and artistic creation to the eminent figures.
2-Bodies of the Academy of Arts:
- The President in his capacity as the presidency.
- Board of Trustees of the Academies of Islamic Republic of Iran.
- First deputy of the President of I.R.Iran in his capacity as head of the Board.
- Minister for Science, Research and Technology.
- Minister for Health , Treatment and Medical Education.
- Minister for Culture and Islamic Guidance.
- President of The Academy of Arts.
- President of The Academy of Persian Language and Literature .
- President of the Academy of Science.
- President of the Academy of Medical sciences.
- Two scholars and experts according to recommendation from the Presidents of each Academy.
3-General Assembly:
-The General Assembly is consisting of the President of the Academy in his capacity as chairman of the Assembly.
-Associate members of the Academy
Approval of policies in the scientific projects , programs and plans of the Academy ; approval of the executive regulations to implement and fulfill these programs and plans ; selecting the artists nominated by Specialized Council to receive the prizes, scholarships , grants, art badges, for being awarded sabbatical leaves ,referring their names to the presidency of the Academy and electing Fellows, Associate and Honorary Members.
4- The President of the Academy:
The president of the Academy is chosen from among the members of the Academy proposed by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and approval of the Supreme Council of Culture Revolution for of four years term . Among the major tasks of the President of the Academy are giving proposals of the administrative structure of the Academy ; estimating annual budget and submitting it to the Board of Trustees to be approved ; proposals for joining to the international associations ,appointing the chairs of the Specialized Departments ; introducing Fellows , Associate and Honorary Members to the Board of Trustees.
5-Specialized Council:
Specialized Council is composed of the President of the Academy in his capacity as chairman of the Council, and chairs of the Specialized Council.
The tasks of the Council :
To Survey the policies , plans and programs of the Academy, to give suggestions and advices to the General Assembly to be approved by it , to define the most important issues and topics to do researches on them, study and making decisions on research plans and presenting them to the Departments , studying rules to promote the scientific qualities and grades of the seminars and conferences at both national and international levels and evaluating them.
Sepecialized Departments
- Dramatic Art and Literature Dept.
- Music Dept.
- Architecture and Urban Planning Dept.
- Traditional Arts Dept.
- Visual Arts Dept.
- Cinema Dept.
- Multimedia Dept.
Each Specialized Department is composed of some permanent , associate members as expect artists who due to their expertise are selected by the President of the Academy.
The Academy of Arts enjoys Fellows, Associate and Honorary members who are introduced and approved by Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution or by the Academy of Arts, after meeting the necessary standards and scientific principles.
The Academy enjoys 30 permanent members from among eminent figures and artists in different fields, of whom 20 members are selected and introduced by the Council of Arts and approved by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution. Remaining the 10 are selected in accord once with the approved academies standards and principles. Their membership is lifetime.
The membership of the associate members will last for four years and the validity of the membership can receive another extension due to approved academic principles and rules as mentioned above. The international eminent artists and researchers could be accepted as Honorary Members of the Academy. These figures will not shoulder any specific duty to fulfill in the Academy and the selection will occur just for respecting their academies prestige.